Sunday 18 June 2017


Happy fathers day to all the amazing men out there, if you are doing a beautiful job with your kids well done may God bless and guide you , and if you are a deadbeat dad I guess its time you pick up the slacks. We celebrate all dads out there are you all rock.

And here is my little note to all guys out there.

 Hey dude,

Happy fathers day in advance, I hope I can say that if you plan birthing a child, I hope that is also a quick reminder that you will be a father someday and that you will have some people look up to you.

It hurts to see what your priorities are right now, drugs is the order of the day, to make yourself feel cool or feel among among your pees?, don't get me wrong I'm not saying that will be a detriment to you being a good dad, but what do you want to preach to your children?.

Would you like to leave your children fatherless at a young age because your liver or lungs could not hold up any longer?

How will you feel when a guy treat your daughters as sex objects, would you cheer or applause that?. Remember karma is real and trust me whatever goes around comes around.

Live your youth, you only live once right/, but be reasonable, really I can't wait to start seeing the kind of fathers you will turn out to be buyt I pray God leads you down through that path in wisdom.

Live wisely.

Love, Tomisin.

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