Sunday 18 June 2017


There are passages in the Bible you will read and at one point they will have a new meaning to you, and there are times you will read in a version and you will have a deep and better understanding.
Let's look at Exodus chapter 34 verse 10 in the new living translation version;

" The lord replied, listen I am making a covenant with you in the presence of all ypur people.
I will perform miracles that have never been performed anywhere in all the earth or in any nation.
And all the people around you  will see the power of the lord- 
the awesome power that I will display for you"

Isn't that awesome?, to know that whatever you might be going through right now God has greater things in store for you, my senior pastor will say we operate in a voice activated kingdom, so don't stop saying it, and don't stop believing it,God is not man that he should lie, and his words over our lives can never go unfulfilled, it will come to pass someday.


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