Friday, 14 April 2017


Hailings people!, happy holiday... is it proper to say happy good Friday?, if it is happy good Friday, I should let you know it's my favorite holiday in the world, I love Easter, it gives us all the time to reflect on the death, resurrection and ascension of our lord Jesus Christ, that someone can give his life for me that I might be saved is a huge thing I will eternally be grateful for. I will be feeding your eyes with my good Friday outfit, I went simple with the off-shoulder ankara top made by me, ripped denim, black purse, no make-up, no filter, shades just subtle.

Let's quickly touch one topic before Friday finally gives way for Saturday to come in, please how do you all cope with your vain friends or people you know that are vain, like how do you live with them. We all have that one person in our life, or some of us are #lucky to have more than one.

 Okay let me break it down by defining what being vain is. Being vain is being excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy. proceeding from or showing pride in or concern about one's appearance, qualities, etc.; resulting from or displaying vanity: He made some vain remarks about his accomplishments. You get now??.

 As in this set of people can be the most annoying set of people to be around, because they won't keep talking and they tend to lie too, is it wise to shut them up or to just keep listening to them yap in silence when deep down you are literally throwing stones at them in anger.

So celebrate because it's the season of love and reflection, take time out to show people how much you love them and care about them, put a smile on someone's face, the little acts count, call that someone who have been trying to forgive, just reach out to people!. Happy holidays, have fun, be you, think about he who loved you fist... Shalom.

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